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Welcome to our podcast: Developer Love

How do you build thriving developer communities? That’s the core question behind our podcast: Developer Love.

December 15, 2020

How do you build thriving developer communities? That’s the core question behind our podcast: Developer Love.

Hosted by one of our very own co-founders Patrick Woods, each episode brings you a master lesson from the most thoughtful and interesting community builders in the industry. These are some of the best and brightest folks in the business, and we’ve been humbled by their willingness to spend time with us.

We talk to Brian Douglas, Developer Advocate at Github about leveraging open source knowledge and improving inclusivity in developer communities.

Nicolas Grenié, of Typeform fame, talks to us about the unique role that DevRel plays in partnerships and gives us a tour of no-code tools for developers.

Then there’s the inimitable master of the internet Tim O’Reilly, who gives us a lesson on updating our mental models when it comes to tech and the rise of commercial open source.

Particularly timely is our chat with Jana Boruta, global events director at HashiCorp, on the lessons she learned converting live, in-person events into captivating digital experiences, which is sure to give you a range of good ideas on how to keep your own community connected.

And that’s just to name a few! Check out Developer Love at Heavybit, on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Soundcloud.

Who else should we chat with? Find us on Twitter to nominate someone you’d like to hear from. We’re all ears.

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